Shoeboxes 4 Soldiers

Missions Coordinator: Melinda Brooks


Shoeboxes 4 Soldiers is dedicated to supporting our deployed troops with care packages filled with love, gratitude, and essential items. Our mission is simple yet powerful: to make a positive impact on the lives of service members deployed in forward operating positions or posts.

Through our carefully curated care packages, we aim to provide a meaningful connection to home, reminding our troops that they are appreciated, and their mission is not forgotten. Each package is thoughtfully packed with items of necessity as well as treats, cards and a Bible, symbolizing the support of our community. We have worked with several Chaplains and Battalion Commanders to get suggestions on the contents that are most needed for their soldiers. We have also included specific requests from soldiers. A few years ago a commander asked that we include flip flops for shower shoes to help protect the soldier's feet. Another unit specifically asked for Chick-fil-A sauce. Melinda went to Chick-fil-A, explained this and two of our local franchise restaurants now make sure each soldier we send to gets several packs of sauce!

With a committed team of volunteers, we work to ensure the success of our mission. Together, we strive to bring comfort and support to those who selflessly defend our freedom.

Join us in making a difference. Your support, whether through donations or volunteering, enables us to continue our vital work and deliver smiles to those who serve. Together, let’s show our troops that they are always in our thoughts and hearts.

Upon completing our annual fundraiser for 2023, we exceeded our goal and sent 404 shoeboxes!  Since 2006 we have sent over 3600 shoeboxes to our deployed Heroes.  Our goal for 2024 is another 400 plus. Thank you for your help in making this event a success!